Little Archie is working hard right now revamping his blog. Sorry for the messy situation at the moment. Please check back soon to see the new look of Archie's blog.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It is only 2 more days til the opening of Vancouver Winter Olympic 2010!  Yesterday little Archi even has the experience of watching a torchbearer running down the street he lives on!  He is a little puzzled though why Mummy dressed him up in his red sweater and why there are so many people on his street.  Little Archie is also puzzled why people are carrying a lot of dollies that look like him.


These are actually mascots of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic!  Before Archie took on some weight, he looked like Sumi.  But now being all chubby, he looks more like MukMuk.


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