Little Archie is working hard right now revamping his blog. Sorry for the messy situation at the moment. Please check back soon to see the new look of Archie's blog.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Momo has always been a fan of the animation “Lady and the Tramp” and the movie “Neverending Story”.  She used to watch them almost every single day til Mama had enough of them.  She always wanted a puppy just like Lady.  What an coincidence that Mama and Papa adopted Archie the little Cocker Spaniel.  But he doesn’t have the elegance of Lady.  If he’s like anything, he’s more like Lady’s little bratty baby boy (far left).
莫莫一直非常迷動畫“Lady and the Tramp”和電影“Neverending Story”。她常常看…直到媽媽受夠。她總是想要一隻跟Lady一樣的小狗。巧合是媽媽和爸爸收養了小卡犬Archie。但他沒有Lady優雅。如果是像,他跟Lady的兒子比較相似 (左一)。

Puppy!Q 038
But Archie also reminds Momo of Falcor the Lucky Dragon.  He looks just like Falcor when he sleeps!
Puppy!Q 051 Puppy!Q 054
Puppy!Q 048

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

As cute as little Archie can be, he's a very sneaky slipper thief.  He would steal anyone's slippers if he has a chance.  Here are the evidence!  Be warned to keep your slippers safely worn or stowed away!

可愛是可愛,但小池他是一名非常鬼祟的拖鞋小偷。如果他有機會, 他會竊取任何人的拖鞋。以下是證據!  警告,請穿著好您的拖鞋或把它安全存放!

Evidence A: Mama's Slippers (媽媽拖鞋)

Evidence B: Gaga's Slippers (加加拖鞋)

Evidence 3: Seen before missing of Momo's slippers (毛毛拖鞋失踪前的拍照)

Evidence 3: Seen before missing of Papa's slippers (爸爸拖鞋失踪前的拍照)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

GaGa, "Archie, you are there again?  You sure like that spot"

Archie, "Mmmm mmmm mmm (ignoring GaGa)"
GaGa, "What are you munching on?"

Archie, "You really wanna know?"

Archie, "GaGa, do you like seafood?"

Archichi, "See?  Food! hehehe~"
GaGa, "Archie, you are gross >.<"

Saturday, February 20, 2010



GaGa, "Oh my~  Archichi, what are you doing there?"

家家: 池池啊, 你在做什麼?

Archie, "nothing nothing~  Stop looking at me...."

池池: 沒,沒甚麼啊~  別看! 別看!!

"This is my secret place!  What?  Puppies have privacy too"

池池:這是我的秘密~ 小狗也有隱私啊~

"Okay then~  I will just show you ONE of my goodies.  Just one!"

池池:好的 好的~ 看完然後不要打擾我哦!

"There, you can play with this~ (and leave me alone)"

池池: 你可以玩這個~ 拿去~ (讓我繼續...)

GaGa, "But, Archie, I thought I also saw chewing toys there"

家家:  但我看到其他更有趣的玩具.....

Archichi, "That, I'm not sharing with anyone! You go ask Mama for one yourself~"

池池: 那個不成哦. 你自己去問媽媽拿巴~

Puppy!Q 276

Technorati Tags: ,,
, puppy, chew toy, secret stash




來自 ﹕SPCA -- 大肚的池媽被遣棄

品種﹕獸醫說是cocker spaniel。(即Lady and the Tramp裡頭的Lady!) 但阿八認為阿池是隻mutt -- 無緊要啦~ 健康可愛就得啦~

嗜好﹕食 ﹑ZZzzz﹑搶拖鞋﹑逗人玩


Hi hi everyone!  Being the Bilingual puppy that he is, Archie wants to share with everyone his little adventures in Chinese as well.  So we've decided to add a Chinese version to our blog.  It is an idea in development, so please be patient with us.  Feel free to leave any comments and suggestions in English or Chinese on our blog!  Both are absolutely welcome! 

作為雙語小狗, Archie 希望和大家一起分享他的冒險因此,我們決定增加 一個中文版本。請耐心等待我們趕上翻譯以前博客以中文或英文在我們的博客留下任何意見和建議 兩者都是絕對歡迎!

Our snobby little guy is famous!

This is a toy made by the Swedish broadcasting company -- thanking people who paid the TV fee.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More kisses!!!

Valentine's over but Archie still wants to give more kisses to everyone!


Here's an icon version for all those who love a kiss from Archie.
Spread the love wherever you want ;D


Monday, February 15, 2010

Archie's most favorite toy is his teddy bear.  They are best buddies!  However we are often reminded that our little blondie resembles a bear himself.  So here are some pics taken for the comparison.  Whatcha think?

This is not Archichi's teddy though.  This one was bought from Berlin many years ago as a souvenir.

Camera shy again~
The chubby little belly

Sunday, February 14, 2010

According to Chinese customs, RED is a lucky colour~
Here are some pictures with the lucky colour to celebrate for the occassion.

Luv from, Archichi <-- a bit bloated from too much good stuff eating

Me with my lovely toy from the vet

The tiger says, "rooooooaaaar~"

 Camera shy

"Are we done yet?  When are you playing with me?" 

Beside puppies, there are other cute animals with heart shapped birth marks. Here's a clip on a little 'lovely' piglet.

Enjoy your Valentine's day with your loved ones!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here is a clip of a lucky-bringing little puppy with a perfect heart shape on his fur!
Happy Valentine's day to everyone!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Archie will be having a big special dinner with lots of his favourite food today!
And today he gets to wear his new jacket with his pretty red sweater!
Most of all, he gets to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!!!!
Archie wishes that everyone will achieve their dreams in the year of tiger.
And he wishes that he will get lots of toys and yummy icecream!!

Feel free to spread the Chinese New Year spirit, copy the little Archie icon and use them wherever you want.

Little Archie is all dressed up and ready for the big day today!!!  
He's wagging his little tail perfecting his cheerleading skills.  
Hope you all are as excited as he is!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It is only 2 more days til the opening of Vancouver Winter Olympic 2010!  Yesterday little Archi even has the experience of watching a torchbearer running down the street he lives on!  He is a little puzzled though why Mummy dressed him up in his red sweater and why there are so many people on his street.  Little Archie is also puzzled why people are carrying a lot of dollies that look like him.


These are actually mascots of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic!  Before Archie took on some weight, he looked like Sumi.  But now being all chubby, he looks more like MukMuk.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rollie Pollie!

I've flipped over! AND I can't get up!!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Help me down!!!

This time little Archie gets stuck on a high chair!!!

Please help me down!!!

Here's icon versions of little Archie.  Feel free to copy it and use it wherever you want.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haha~  This is actually a continuation video from Archichi's experience of learning how to go down the stairs at home.  He climbed all the way up unsupervised and was stuck at the top 2nd or 3rd step.  When Momo tried to make him come down by himself, he became grumpy and started meow-ing at Momo and camera-girl~

Did you hear the Meooowwwwr?

Note: yes, Archie is a 'Cantonese speaking' puppy because grandma doesn't speak English.  Most of his commands are in Cantonese.  Mom and dad are often worried that Archie would not know what to do when he goes to the English-speaking vets or groomers.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How cute can this be!?!?!


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